Cleaner/Degreaser for quickly solving the most difficult cleaning problems without damaging the ozone layer. It is a high-performance natural product that removes adhesives, oils, grease, wax, tar, impurities and other contaminants in seconds.
The penetrating power cleans thoroughly and does not require rinsing. It acts on contact alone and is non-conductive. It contains no CFCs or 1,1,1 trichloroethane and can be used safely on all metals and most plastics.
The penetrating power cleans thoroughly and does not require rinsing. It acts on contact alone and is non-conductive. It contains no CFCs or 1,1,1 trichloroethane and can be used safely on all metals and most plastics.
Meets or exceeds the following specifications:
♦ AMS 1525B
♦ McDonnell Douglas CSD #1
♦ Registered NSF Category C1 Registration 129025 (aerosol), Nr.059830 (liquid)
For large quantities please contact us for a quotation