Acciaio plastico pastoso, resistente a temperature da -35°C a +120°C
WEICON A è il prodotto di uso universale fra quelli della gamma di Metalli Plastici WEICON. La maggior parte delle riparazioni possono essere fatte con il WEICON A:
- riparazione delle parti corrose o vaiolate dei serbatoi
- riparazione di tubi e fusioni
- riparazione di cricche su coperture e parti macchina
- costruzione di stampi, modelli, attrezzi e parti fisse.
Metallo plastico Weicon A: le confezioni
WEICON A – Conf. 500gr. cod. 10000005
WEICON A – Conf. 2kg. cod. 10000020
Important note:
The indications and recommendations given here should not be regarded as guaranteed product characteristics. They are based on laboratory tests and practical experience. As individual applications are beyond our knowledge, control and responsibility, this information is provided without obligation. We guarantee the continued excellent quality of our products being free of defects in accordance with and subject to our General Terms and Conditions. However, we recommend appropriate laboratory and practical tests to determine whether the product meets the required characteristics. A claim cannot arise from these tests. The user bears responsibility for inappropriate or unspecified applications.
The indications and recommendations given here should not be regarded as guaranteed product characteristics. They are based on laboratory tests and practical experience. As individual applications are beyond our knowledge, control and responsibility, this information is provided without obligation. We guarantee the continued excellent quality of our products being free of defects in accordance with and subject to our General Terms and Conditions. However, we recommend appropriate laboratory and practical tests to determine whether the product meets the required characteristics. A claim cannot arise from these tests. The user bears responsibility for inappropriate or unspecified applications.